Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tatemo Nemui

dammit. what day is it? i don't understand how i've handled the last few days. i wrote it all down in a journal, so i'll transcribe it later. all the commands or headings or whatever are all in kanji on this computer, and i haven't been able to get my laptop to recieve a signal yet. i'm just dropping in to let everyone know that somehow i made it here and i'm mostly alive. no way to get money or make phone calls without a bunch of screwing around yet. i think i'm gonna be alright, though. a lot of people seem to be acclimating faster than i am. a french hip hop dude i've talked to a few times said i seemed lonely. i'll feel better soon, i think, as things get sorted out, classes start, and i know my way around. i think we're going as a group by bus into akita city tomorrow to buy crap at a shopping center with a "jusco" in it, kind of like a japanese wall mart. i got to create a "hanko", or personal seal, for my bank accound whatnottery today, and visited the yuwa branch of akita city hall to get my resident alien status. ok, yeah, i'm going to go eat dinner and wander into the woods. i'll transcribe the first few days' journal entries maybe when i can get my stinking laptop to work. i miss everybody a lot. send me crap as soon as i e-mail my address. please. kudasai. onagaishimas. dozo.

1 comment:

val said...

Trying to leave a comment - I'll see if it works this time. Miss you - you seem so far away - but don't dwell on missing everyone - relish this awesome experience & take it all in! Everything will start going easier once you aren't tired. I'll keep checking your blog - keep writing in it. I tried emailing you but don't know if it worked, or you are able to retrieve emails. Love your aunt v in Lutsen