Wednesday, September 12, 2007

O Namae Wa?

evryone smells nice today. maybe like a general peaches and cream breeze in the hallways or lilac mist or something maybe called "dewey blossoms". i got the japanese gut rot right now, the j-grot. too many egg bricks for breakfast, i guess. i met a cool and awesome nihonjin named taro with a bright green moped helmet who noticed my john frusciante shirt, asked if i liked his music, and invited me to join the guitar club even though i play upside down and backwards. fulfilled another little fantasy last night by watching two japanese girls whack the living shite out of a taiko drum, and then i got a chance to try it. it kind of wraps up alot of my ideas about why i love japan so much, combining intense and serene into one thing. it was so loud and strong, and they were exhausted after 2 minutes of playing, but as they were playing, they were both totally calm and kind of swaying rather than frantic. i get to go watch and try a few things again tonight, and then officially join the team in october. i've got 6 and a half hours till my next class, and not a damn thing to do till then. maybe go to the convenience store on the corner, or rope someone into wandering around with me to a shrine or a spring that is supposedly somewhere back in the woods. shimmidy shimmidy gabbuh urrrnt.

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